
“The ideas can only expand”

New Zealander Hamish Tomlinson, currently studying for his Ph.D. at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Oxford, and Yan Yu, a Canadian medical doctor, now pursuing a master's degree in public policy, came, together with five other Rhodes Scholars, to the Salzburg Global session The Promise of Data: Will this Bring a Revolution in Health Care? During the session, the pair collaborated in a working group dedicated to medical education. "The future of the workforce (is| medical students; how can we teach them about how big data is a huge opportunity to improve the health care of patients? It's been really interesting to discuss that and come up with some ideas as to how we might best achieve that with some great people who have some experience in education like Yan," said Tomlinson at the end of his time at Schloss Leopoldskron. Yu has convinced the group of seven Rhodes Scholars are well-positioned to continue their work upon their return to Oxford: "I think we're going to leave here with an enriched understanding of the role of big data in health care. Because we're all coming from different backgrounds, we're going to be able to take our new found knowledge into our respective fields and then re-congregate for further in-depth conversations about these topics in the future. The ideas can only expand from there." On a personal level, Yu added: "This session was a truly eye-opening experience for me as a resident physician and public policy student at Oxford. I will take this unique educational experience with me throughout my career... I would recommend Salzburg Global Seminar to all those interested in making society a better place for all."

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